This is one of those things I like to think I am not alone on, but I'm pretty sure I am. I touched upon this idiosyncrasy in an earlier post, but I whole-heartedly believe that it deserves its own time.
ANYTIME I hear my own voice (whether it be on a voicemail or an old home movie, or anything else) I cringe at how it sounds. I am mortified and embarrassed to hear myself speak. My voice is nasally, and not nearly as deep as I think it sounds in my head. To tell you the truth it seems a bit effeminate and obnoxious, and because it higher pitched than I would like, I may or may not sound like a child...or David Beckham. As luck would have it, I spend a fair amount of the work day on the phone, and I'm pretty sure the person on the other end is wondering why a flamboyant child, who probably plays World of Warcraft, is on the phone with them.
Now I am a pretty confident person, so to hear myself and hear what other people hear on a daily basis, is a major blow to my ego. I mean, if I were anyone I wouldn't talk to me.

If my voice could be depicted in a Microsoft paint drawing, this is what I would look like. :-)
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