One thing I tend to focus on a lot is the look of some one's tongue. You are probably thinking " often can you see some one's tongue?" It's actually easier to see than you might think, you just need to be paying attention at certain times - like disbelief, yelling, or most often, laughing. It's easy to see a dirty tongue because of the stark contrast between the color of the tongue (red) and the nasty while crud that cakes on it when unwashed.

HAHAHA...okay so this is extreme but you get the idea.
So I don't know about you guys, but when I see this, I can instantly feel my own tongue after a long day, dying to be brushed - de-caked, if you will - so that the fresh red tongue can shine just me?
Nowadays there are all sorts of tongue cleaners (see below) but I have found a good ol' tooth brush gets the job done most effectively.
I think the bristles of the brush work well on the texture of the tongue to get all the bacteria and dead cells out, whereas and the lame things they have now, just don't do the trick. Look, the tongue is gross enough as it is, keep it clean!
haaaha. sometimes i have baddd breath. ppl even tell me!!! and i brush my teeth 3x a day! and my tounge is not white/ yellow. I CANNOT FIND A CURE except for MINTY STRONG gum. (cobalt in 5 gum) and i have tried EVERY trick in the book. -.- nothing. i have even tried those lousy tounge cleaners. (dont buy them)-.-