To me there is only one way to put the toilet paper on the roll. I HAS to be put with the available end coming over the top of the roll. If I see a roll with the TP going underneath, I have to stop and fix it no matter where I am.

The Wrong Way

Also, I hate industrial, mass-produced TP that you find in public settings. In order for it to fit in the holder, and not need to be replaced often, it has to be thin as $h!t - no pun intended - and that makes for a terrible wiping experience. Now I don't carry my own roll of TP around with me, but I can see how that is not too far off.
My dad, who worked for the world famous Disneyland custodial department, used to remind me that the TP should flow over the top like a waterfall. It definitely bugs me when it's sagging down. Also, in a tremendous waste of paper, I usually tear off the end piece of the TP and throw it away (when I'm in public restrooms) because its hanging there and touching stuff!